a.Medical professionals with faculty Medical check-up in progress
Department of Anthropology, Kohima Science College, Jotsoma, organized a one day health camp held at the college auditorium on 29th April 2023. The health camp was specially organized to cater to the students and staff community of the college. All together nine medical doctors provided their voluntary service all of whom are alumnus of the college. The camp included free medical consultation, medical check-up, assessment of blood pressure, and bold sugar level while free medicines were also provided. More than 200 students and staff from the college took part in the free health camp.
The team of professionals included Dr. Rüyangulie Paphino MO PHC Mezoma, Dr. Imnanoktsung Longchar MO Quality Assurance Kohima, Dr. Thejasetuo Tseikha MO PHC Kohima Village, Dr. Khrielazo Bob Rutsa MO, Dr. K. Teresa Yhome MO PHC Botsa, Dr. Kelelo Pradia MO CHC Viswema, Dr. Medophretuo Dzuvichu MO CHC Viswema, Dr. Vizovotuo MO PHC Jotsoma, Dr. Kekhrieneizo Peseyie MO CHC Chiephobozou, assisted by Kevikono Khro CHO, Libeni GNM and Baulen ANM from PHC Kohima Science College, Jotsoma.
The medical check-up was preceded by a formal session where Dr. Rüyangulie Paphino MO PHC Mezoma, delivered a talk on Mental Health. Dr. Paphino spoke on mental health issues faced by students owing to high academic work load and pressure. While pointing out that every 4th person in the world suffers from some kind of mental health issues, young people, especially students, are at a higher risk of facing problems such as stress and anxiety. He also mentioned that factors such as substance abuse, irregular attendance in class and lack of physical activities could elevate the level of stress, anxiety and overall mental health thus affecting the ability to focus and hampering the academic performance. Dr. Paphino encouraged the students to restrain from counterproductive behaviors and to be diligent and sincere in their academic work to mitigate any stress and anxiety. Doing one’s work on time and having healthy physical activity are crucial in maintaining sound mental health said Dr. Paphino.
The formal program was chaired by Mr. Noune Teruno, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Anthropology, KSCJ while Dr. Temjenwapang, Principal, KSCJ, and Ms. Kevilhuninuo Nagi, Associate Professor, HoD of Anthropology, KSCJ delivered the welcome address and vote of thanks respectively.