Dr. Temjenwabang, MSc, PhD
Dr. Temjenwabang, MSc, PhDPrincipal
Mrs. R Moasangla Jamir, MSc
Mrs. R Moasangla Jamir, MSc Vice Principalviceprincipal@kscj.ac.in
Mrs. R Moasangla Jamir has served as Associate Professor and later as HoD of Department of Anthropology, Kohima Science College. She was promoted as Vice Principal in 2023. As Vice Principal she looks after day-to-day management matters.

email: principal@kscj.ac.in

Ph. No. 6009306827

Ph. No. 6009306828




The principal chairs the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) which comprises the Vice Principal, Heads of Departments and other members. The cell plans and monitors measures to improve the quality of education. Some broad strategies of the cell are as follows.

The 4 Pillars of Quality


The college provides start-up Research Grant to promote creative researches among its faculty over and above research projects funded by various national agencies. The Research Committee publishes an annual research bulletin- "Rusie". Innovation among faculty and students is promoted through active support. Many Major Research Projects have been successfully completed, while 14 are ongoing. A mega Research project worth 2.27 crores was won through a nation-wide competition, funded by RUSA, MHRD. Research collaboration with both international and national organizations provide useful connectivity and infuses reserachers with global outlook.

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Latest learning aid and resources are used to enhance the learning capacity and experience of learners. Automated library with access to top journals (online or otherwise), five computing hubs, smart classrooms, etc. are used to towards that end. Quick transition to online teaching-learning has been adapted at the onset of Covid-19. Hands-on learning in vocational skills as diploma or certificate courses are provided in the areas of technology (Web development and Electronics designing), general skills (English Communication skills) and entrepreneurship (Floriculture, Apiculture, Mushroom culture, Hand sanitizer making, vermicomposting and printing press).


Continuous assessment of the students is done by the college through the written tests, assignments, seminar presentation and projects. The internal assessment accounts for 30% of the total credit. Postgraduate students are required to write a thesis at the fourth semester. PhD. scholars present progress report in six-monthly intervals. Through adoption of established methods as well as innovative ones, students are assessed on the basis of oral as well written skills, regularity in attendance and active participation in assigned tasks.


A student is required to have at least 75% to be allowed to take the final/end semester Examinations. Good attendance in class, library, extracurricular activities is given credit for degree result and also for leadership opportunity in the students Union. A mentoring Cell comprises a teacher and a number of students.  The teacher monitors the well-being of a mentee in terms of performance in academic and corporate life, physical and mental health, and provide counselling when sought for, or felt needed.

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