The Institutional level Biotech Hub Kohima Science College

The Biotech Hub

The Biotech Hub is set up in the department of Botany, KSCJ. It is housed in 1200 sq.ft. area of adequately furnished wet laboratory. It has three rooms- a large general room (for washing and media preparation), an inoculation room and a growth room.

This facility is  funded by the Government of India, Ministry of Science &Technology, Department of Biotechnology, NER-Programme) since 2011 until it was extended through the Phase-II from 2023. In keeping with focal areas of the department of Biotechnology, the facility is focused on the following targets:

Objectives of the hub

  • Research and Development:
  • Skill Development
  • Technology Transfer
  • Economic Growth

Activities of the hub

  • Conduct of trainings/workshop
  • Research work for PhD. scholars
  • Conduct of laboratory courses (Mushroom culture)
  • Organizing popular lecture series
  • Outreach to local communities
  • Conduct of Core curriculum practicals for P.G. and U.G. students
  • Others


Under the aegis of “Creation of DBT-NER Institutional Level Biotech Hub Phase-II at Kohima Science College, Jotsoma”, the phase-II of the hub has been sanctioned for three years from 2023 with following PI and Co PIs:


Dr. Wenyitso Kapfo, Associate Professor                    


Mr. Wekhrolo Therie, Assistant Professor

Mr. Tosovil  Neikha, Assistant Professor,

Mr. Keneizoulhou Kesiezie, Assistant Professor

Sanctioned Objectives:

  • To do long-term field study of forest regeneration parameters and initiate mitigation efforts including in situ reforestation
  • To identify target plants for sustainable utilization
  • To carry out capacity building for locals and students
  • To conduct minor research projects with students/scholars


Under the first phase, a Plant tissue culture laboratory was set up in 2011. Some of the major instruments are Laminar Air-Flow chamber, -40ºC deep freezer, Microchip-controlled growth racks, Rotary shaker, Microwave oven, autoclave, refrigerator, water distillation unit, water atomizer, glassware and other consumables

While it is superseded by the sanction of the second phase, the physical infrastructure continues to serve the general objectives of the Institutional level Biotech Hub.


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